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Hess Manufacturer
Dingolfinger Straße 220a
94419 Reisbach
Phone +49 (0) 8734 9399993
Fax +49 (0) 8734 9399994
Sales tax identification number: DE 354 672 100
Owner: Dominik Hess
Content responsibility: Rudolf Hess

Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

In the event that information on this website may infringe property rights, i.e. a trademark or copyright infringement, you are asked to notify us immediately by e-mail or in some other text form. In this case, we will immediately establish lawful conditions.

This notice serves both sides. You may be aware that courts have found, in part, that keyword advertising violates trademark rights. Model proceedings, in which this question is to be clarified by the Federal Court of Justice, are in progress. It is therefore also economically superfluous to initiate new court proceedings in this respect.

In such and comparable cases, we immediately eliminate the alleged infringement. A warning is not required and therefore we are not obliged to reimburse warning costs.